[ class tree: I18N_Arabic ] [ index: I18N_Arabic ] [ all elements ]

Class: I18N_Arabic_Stemmer

Source Location: /Arabic/Stemmer.php

Class Overview

This PHP class get stem of an Arabic word



  • 2006-2016 Khaled Al-Sham'aa


Class Details

[line 106]
This PHP class get stem of an Arabic word


author:  Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
copyright:  2006-2016 Khaled Al-Sham'aa
link:  http://www.ar-php.org
license:  LGPL

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Class Methods

static method roughStem [line 177]

static string roughStem( string $word, string $notChars, string $preChars, string $postChars, integer $maxPre, integer $maxPost, integer $minStem)

Get rough stem of the given Arabic word (under specific rules)


return:  Arabic stem of the word under giving rules
author:  Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
access:  protected


string   $word   Arabic word you would like to get its stem
string   $notChars   Arabic chars those can't be in postfix or prefix
string   $preChars   Arabic chars those may exists in the prefix
string   $postChars   Arabic chars those may exists in the postfix
integer   $maxPre   Max prefix length
integer   $maxPost   Max postfix length
integer   $minStem   Min stem length

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static method stem [line 143]

static string stem( string $word)

Get rough stem of the given Arabic word


return:  Arabic stem of the word
author:  Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
access:  public


string   $word   Arabic word you would like to get its stem

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Documentation generated on Fri, 01 Jan 2016 10:26:26 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0